Worshiping as We GO with Grant Norsworthy | November 7th

Join in Worshiping as We Go with Grant Norsworthy for a Song Writer’s “Bootcamp” in the Appleby Bethea Room on Wednesday, November 7th at 11:00am. The Bootcamp is open to all.

There will also be a catered Q&A lunch and Lecture, “Early CCM and Faith and Life as an Artist” with Grant and Dr. Joshua Waggener at 12:00pm. This is available for up to 20 people on a first come first serve basis via rsvp to: jcochran@sebts.edu.

Song Writer’s “Boot Camp”
Whether you’re a serious and dedicated song writer, or just dabbling, interaction with other, more experienced writers will be essential to your development.  A listening and writing session with a coach of Grant’s vast and varied experience – with an intentional focus to improve your song writing – can provide a real and immediate boost.

Faith and Life as an Artist 
To be a follower of Jesus – the servant to all – yet desire to be promoted, noticed, successful and adored by fans can seem like an impossible contradiction. Or is it? Whether as a mainstream artist, a ”Christian Musician” or a “Worship Artist”, there will be difficulties for a person of faith in Jesus Christ. They’ll need spiritual guidance – a coach with experience, knowledge and a good listening ear. Someone who’s been there, done that, fallen, got up and fallen again yet come out the other side with lessons learned (and some scars to prove it) yet with solid faith and family intact.