
From Thought to Page Writing Conference | March 30th

From Thought to Page is a writing conference hosted by the Society for Women in Scholarship and the SEBTS Library that aims to help both academic paper writers and popular level writers hone their skills, and gain valuable feedback from peers and professionals on their writing. We are excited to host SEBTS PhD graduate Dr. Susan

ADOPTED Conference | April 6th

Adoption and racial reconciliation are two pressing matters for Christians around the country. With these in mind, many Christians are open to adopting children from ethnic backgrounds different from their own. We will identify healthy and unhealthy reasons to adopt cross culturally. In addition, we will offer training and resources to increase awareness for the journey. Childcare will not be provided. For more information and to

Timothy+Barnabas Exchange Conference | November 6th

Timothy-Barnabas: Help for Leading Families and Churches   LEADERSHIP. It’s implicit and crucial in both the ministry leader’s home and field of service. As Gospel stewards, we’re responsible for shepherding those in our families and churches to Christlikeness, leading them to become high-definition pictures of the Gospel of Christ. To help with this task, the

9 Marks Conference

For the past several years, 9Marks and Southeastern has provided a conference to equip churches and their leaders. We are excited again to partner with 9Marks and hope you are able to join us! This year’s conference theme, or mark of a healthy church is global missions. Even though most Christians will never move overseas,

GO Conference 2019 | February 15-16

There are a lot of voices in our world telling us who we should be, what we should love, and what makes up our identity. We like to say things like “I’m a vegan,” “he’s so hipster,” “she’s transgender,” or even things like “I’m a pastor,” or “I’m a student.” If we are not careful,

Volunteer With Us This Weekend! | October 26-28

This weekend the Reaching The Nations In North America Conference will be held at Southeastern October 27 and 28. To find out more about Reaching The Nations In North America, click here. If you’re looking for ways to serve and get involved around campus, look into serving at our upcoming conference this weekend! Starting Thursday

9Marks@SE Volunteers Wanted | September 29-30

Interested in serving the conference as a volunteer? Sign up at and our events team will place you on the schedule. Please be aware that serving as a volunteer for the conference means you will not be able to attend the event during the serving times. Also know that we have a limited number of

Reaching the Nations in North America | October 27-28

There is a movement starting in local churches across North America. God is providing Great Commission opportunities by bringing least-reached peoples from around the world and placing them within arm’s reach of our churches. The nations are in North America. People from all over the world are moving into our communities, approximately 45 million of

9Marks at Southeastern 2017 | September 29-30

We are excited to announce the return of our annual 9Marks at Southeastern Conference. For the past several years, Southeastern has partnered with 9Marks to provide a conference for the local church and it’s leaders. The theme, or mark of a healthy church, for the 2017 conference is Leadership. The Bible teaches that each local

Getty Sing! Conference | September 18-20

Want to go deeper in your theology of worship as you prepare for ministry? Looking for a way to earn elective credits towards your Southeastern degree? Consider taking the Getty Music Sing! Conference for credit this Fall. The Sing! Conference – a conference for pastors and musicians to reform and encourage congregational singing – will meet in Nashville, TN

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