CPEI Reimbursement Grant for C@SE

The CPEI Reimbursement Grant is a grant from the North Carolina General Assembly & the State Education Assistance Authority. They provide:

•$1,850 for full-time college students taking at least 12 hours
•$1,463 for three-quarter-time college students taking 9-11 hours.

Eligibility Requirements:
•Must have been enrolled as an undergraduate student in the College at Southeastern for the fall and spring semesters
•Must be a legal resident of North Carolina for the 12 months prior to the start of the academic year

To apply for the 2009-2010 reimbursement grant, submit the 2009-2010 CPEI Application to the Financial Aid Office of Southeastern. The deadline for submission is May 14, 2010.

Click Here to Download the CPEI Application