Whole Woman Conference

Join us for our Whole Woman Conference at Southeastern!

Join us for this conference dedicated to whole person ministry: helping women to focus on holistic well-being that they might propel others towards holistic love and worship. You will have the opportunity to hear from multiple women on the importance of whole-person ministry, and how we as women can equip our hearts, souls, minds, and strength to further the Kingdom of God. Speakers include Drs. Julia Higgins, Kristin Kellen, Tara Dew, and Christy Thornton, Missie Branch, Kelly King, Lesley Hildreth and Amy Whitfield. Join us October 15-16, 2021 at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

*Schedule Subject to Change

October 15, 2021

6:30pm – 8:15pm: Worship, Session 1: Who we are as Women. Session 2: Loving God Holistically.

October 16, 2021

8:30am – 12:15pm: Worship, Session 3: Helping Women to Love God Holistically, Breakout Sessions 1 & 2, Panel: Practically Speaking

For more information and to register for the event, click here.