On Thursday, May 1st, Chick-Fil-A of Falls Village will be on Southeastern’s campus with the intention of filling multiple positions in their organization. For those interested, please email the hiring manager at He will be in touch with those interested to set up a time during the day to interview you. Again, Chick-Fil-A
It has never been easier to help yourself and help Southeastern. For one evening, and one evening only, you can “eat more chicken” and help your school. Join us from 5-8p.m. on Nov. 5 at the Wake Forest, Chick-fil-a to support Southeastern. Just print off the “spirit night” flyer and bring it with you and
Student Life would like to announce that Southeastern’s first Homecoming Week will be the week after Fall Break, October 10-15. It will begin with our campus-wide cook-out on Monday night and conclude with the Steeple Chase 5K on Saturday. We will be collecting money throughout Homecoming Week for the Chicago church plant, called The Church