Dr. Bill Bennett
HOW TO OVERCOME SEXUAL LUST Gal. 5:16 The Bible, authored by God Himself, and written by man, cannot lie, and when it comes to sexual lust it speaks truthfully and plainly on the subject in both the Old Testament and the New Testament: The Old Testament: Genesis 2:24-25 – forbids same sex marriage. Lev. 18:22
22 TIPS ON HOW TO MANAGE YOUR TIME Psalm 90:12; Ephes. 5:15-16 In our “Rat Race” of modern living, we have 1000 things to do and the list keeps growing. We must, therefore, learn to manage our time or time will murder us. SO I share a few tips out of my very busy life
THE BIBLE IS GOD TALKING TO ME PERSONALLY – ESPECIALLY FROM THE CROSS ON GOOD FRIDAY “There is a time to laugh” (Eccles. 3:4) The difference in men and women: Women’s faults are many. Men have only two: Everything we say and everything we do. You know how marriage brings music into a man’s life?
If You Would INTERNALIZE THE WORD OF GOD! Many guys realize they need to Internalize the Word” but they are afraid of their ability to memorize. But God tells us exactly what we must do in order to Internalize His Word – in the first chapter of James, verses 18-25: We must be REGENERATED by
USING GOD’S MONEY – HIS WAY OR YOUR WAY? Matthew 6:24 Have you ever heard someone say, “Nobody is going to tell me how I spend my money?” Of course, you have, and if you haven’t heard such words, you see people living by such a false standard, but God says, “The silver is mine,
Question: What is the difference between Sympathy and Empathy? THE MAIN THING IS TO KEEP THE MAIN THING THE MAIN THING James 1:18-21 What is the main thing in Mentoring? The Word of God. The way you treat the WORD is the way you treat God. To state more personally “the way you treat the
MY TRAUMA AND TRIUMPH IN THE HOME-GOING OF DOROTHEA Job 1:21 In the home-going of my sweetheart of 58 years on October 29th, 2010, I experienced both the greatest TRAUMA and also the most glorious TRIUMPH of my entire life. I wish to describe my experience to glorify Christ, to express my inordinate gratefulness, and