Fall semester at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary can mean only one thing, it’s flag football season! Amongst all the hard work, preparation, and studying that it takes to have a successful semester, it’s important to make time for physical activity. Flag Football at Southeastern offers a chance at new relationships, friendly competition, and healthy exercise.
The white-out Classy Coffee House scheduled for tomorrow, February 13th, has been whited out! Due to the winter weather conditions expected, we are cancelling all Student Life related events for Thursday night. This includes Coffee House, as well as intramurals. Rescheduled Dates: Coffee House– rescheduled to Thursday, February 20th, from 8-11pm. Intramural Basketball– stay tuned.
Come out and join us for our annual Intramural Flag Football Pick-up Game Day. On Wednesday August 14th from 2:00-3:30 we will meet on the intramural fields below the Patterson parking lot (behind the Duplexes) for a fun time of flag football scrimmages. Once we get enough people we will divide into teams and get
We want to invite everyone our to our 2013 Intramural co-ed volleyball and co-ed futsal seasons! Futsal information Futsal will take place from April 2nd to April 30th and will be played on Tuesday evenings in the Ledford gym. If you have never heard of futsal it is a version of indoor soccer played with
Do you enjoy basketball? Do you enjoy bringing glory to God through competition? Then come out and have a blast with us as we start our 2013 intramural basketball season! The 2013 season will go from February 7 to March 21. Games will take place on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:30 to 9:30. Simply
SEBTS intramurals is hosting an Intramural Golf Tournament on September 21st at 4:00 pm. The first 18 teams that are created on will be able to participate in the tournament. Rules can be found with the link below. Each team is allowed 3 members, and the format will be a best ball scramble with some special rules to make
Intramurals is hosting the first annual Flag Football Combine and Scrimmage! This will take place August 16th from 2:00 pm until 4:00pm. We have invited all of our new students to come out and play and meet people on campus. This is a great and unique opportunity to meet new students or students you have not
March Madness Ledford Center March 22 6:00-9:30 PM Student Life Event March Madness will be a great, family-fun event that is all things basketball. Come out to Ledford with your families for a time to hang out, watch talented basketball players– both on television and in the gymnasium with our Intramural players. We will be
Intramurals want to announce OPEN GYM for basketball every Tuesday and Thursday night from 7:00 to 9:00! This will start Dec. 6th and continue until February 2nd. We would love for you to come and hang out with us!
Intramurals now has a new website, where individual and team registration will occur. It will also be the place for schedules, brackets, stats and so many other things. Create an account now and start signing up for any and all sports! Flag Football teams need to sign up ASAP!