Mission trips
Spring 2013 Trip: Japan April 19-28, 2013 10 seats available Led by D. Scott Hildreth $3,000.00/$300.00 deposit For more information, contact Dr. Steven Wade (shildreth@sebts.edu) or Dayna White (dwhite@sebts.edu). Stop by the CGCS to sign up, to put down your deposit, and to receive fundraising help and instructions. Click here for the application Summer 2013 Trip: Indonesia May
Sign up now for Fall Break mission trips with the Center for Great Commission Studies! You will find an online application packet so that you may sign up without coming to the missions center in person. Go to www.sebts.edu/cgcs/mission-trips. Spots are filling up quickly.
Join us in Denver, Colorado for Fall Break 2011, October 1-8. Spend the week evangelizing, serving, and various other ministry opportunities with a variety of church plants in different contexts. Students will also spend time encouraging other missionaries in the area. Cost is $900 with a $100 deposit and you get 3 credit hours. Stop
Do you have the desire to teach in an international setting? What if we told you that you can and receive 9 hours of credit doing so? What if we included the fact that all traveling expenses and living expenses would be covered? Are you excited yet? We are looking for a Southeastern student that
MISSION TRIP TO SOUTH ASIA. Spots for all Southeastern mission trips are filling up fast! There are now only 4 seats still open for those of you who would like to spend a couple weeks working on the cutting edge of evangelism, discipleship and leadership training. You’ll have the unique opportunity to minister in possibly
Sign up NOW to spend 10 days in Lima, Peru! Your team departs a couple days after graduation (on May 22) and returns on May 31. This trip offers the ability to both share the gospel and to work with a local seminary. Past mission trips with this same structure have been very fruitful and