The College
The Baccalaureate Colloquium is Monday, May 10, 2010 at 6:30 P.M. in Eitel Auditorium. Come hear the three award winners read their papers at the Third Annual Baccalaureate Colloquium for The College at Southeastern. First Place goes to Amanda Vuke with a $200 award; Second Place to Liana Seim with a $150 award; and Third Place to
The CPEI Reimbursement Grant is a grant from the North Carolina General Assembly & the State Education Assistance Authority. They provide: •$1,850 for full-time college students taking at least 12 hours •$1,463 for three-quarter-time college students taking 9-11 hours. Eligibility Requirements: •Must have been enrolled as an undergraduate student in the College at Southeastern for
Junior and Senior College at Southeastern students are encouraged to inquire with their professors about entering their best paper for the Spring Baccalaureate Colloquium Award. All papers must be nominated by a professor by April 26. Awards are as follows: 1st place – $200; 2nd place – $150; 3rd place – $100. Papers are read,