Volunteers Needed: 20/20 Collegiate Conference

20/20 Collegiate Conference

“Conversing with the Culture: Giving Reason for Our Hope.”

Will be held Friday and Saturday, February 4th and 5th and  we will need volunteers to help with the following:

Before the conference for a variety of projects, well as volunteers to work registration, meals and breakout sessions.

  • Volunteers will receive free admission into the conference (for selected sessions), and free meals during the conference.
  • Volunteers are needed  on Friday from approximately  2:30 p.m.  to 10:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Volunteers may work only Friday or only Saturday)
  • Volunteers will NOT be able to attend the entire conference.  If you want to attend the conference, you can register online at www.sebts.edu. Volunteers will be busy during this conference and will probably not be able to attend all of the sessions–though the more people that volunteer, the easier the work will be and will allow for more sessions to be attended!

If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to cadair@sebts.edu with your name, an e-mail address and contact phone number, and what times you are available to serve.

Thank you for your willingness to serve!

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