Steeple Chase 5K
Student Life would like to announce that Southeastern’s first Homecoming Week will be the week after Fall Break, October 10-15. It will begin with our campus-wide cook-out on Monday night and conclude with the Steeple Chase 5K on Saturday. We will be collecting money throughout Homecoming Week for the Chicago church plant, called The Church
Steeple Chase 5K is on for Saturday, October 15, 2011 on the campus of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. This inaugural event, which is part of the continuing effort to encourage healthy habits for life and benefits a national charity, is open to all Southeastern affiliates and the surrounding community who are 18 and older. Early
Volunteers Needed: Steeple Chase 5K October 15th from 6:00 am – noon (some help the week prior as well) We need volunteers to help with all of the preparations and execution of the run the day of the 5K. We also need any medically trained volunteers to help at the first aid station. Volunteers will