Student Groups
Race: Is there an issue? Come to ATTAM’s Panel Discussion on Race on November 13 to find out. “In Matthew 8 Jesus smuggles a warning about hell in the context of racism and ethnocentrism (the belief that your ethnicity is superior)…We need to see the glaring contradiction in saying we believe in hell while making
The Southeastern Outdoor Club is hosting its first event, and you are invited. We will be taking a group of students rock climbing at an indoor facility. All students (college and seminary) are encouraged to sign-up. Space is limited, so sign- up quick! When: Friday, Feb. 24 – meeting at 5:30 pm Where: Triangle Rock
We no longer have to travel thousands of miles across the ocean to meet people from other lands–God has brought the nations to our neighborhood. Come to Ledford on April 9 (6-8pm) and hear Ralph Garay share about serving the nations who are now across the street from us. Feel free to invite your church
PAL invites you to Across the Ocean, where this semester’s focus is on Hungary and Kazakhstan. Learn about these countries on Saturday, Nov. 13 (6-8pm) at Ledford. This event is free. For more info, please visit
Come experience music, food, and culture from around the globe at the 25th International Festival of Raleigh (Oct. 1-3). Don’t want to go alone? Join PAL‘s carpool leaving on Saturday (Oct. 2) at 5pm from Stealey. For cost and other info, please visit
Interested in getting involved in ministry with other college students? Join C@SE Baptist Collegiate Ministries on Thursday, September 23 for a town hall interest meeting. We will be discussing service opportunities and ways you can get involved!
You are invited to a presentation by Dr. Greenham on Islam, followed by showing of one story from More Than Dreams DVD. We will also be collecting donations, for Pakistan Flood Relief, which we will contribute through Baptist Global Response. This donation is not mandatory for admission, but highly encouraged.
International Students Services at Southeastern would like to invite you and your family to teh Spring International Banquet. The banquet will be held at Ledford Center on Saturday, May 8th at 6:00p.m. Come experience a culturally diverse International Banquet. You will enjoy beautiful worship, a message from God’s Word by Dr. Daniel Heimbach, food from
Students, faculty, staff, friends, family, and neighbors are invited to the home of Professor and Mrs. Heimbach for interactive conversation on any question you have. Following the format of Francis Schaeffer for L’Abri, we seek honest answers to honest questions guided by confidence in the reliability of the Word of God. The Heimbach’s live at